- Save the date for our next Symposium – November 13th, 2025
- Past Symposia materials can be found under the Past Symposia dropdown above.
Session Topics: (subject to change)
- A Collaborative View of Research Administration - roles and responsibilities/key players
- Administrating ARPA-E and DARPA - A Post-Award Perspective
- Budgets for RAMP - RAMPING up Internal Budget Templates to Facilitate Smoother RAMP entry in FPS and AWD setups
- Budgets/Budget Justifications - understanding both and - how it affects post-award allowable/allocable
- Change Management - Big ideas don't have to equal big problems
- Clinical Trials
- Commitment Management. Best practices and practical solutions for complex commitment cases
- Compliance in a world of it depends - Allowability
- Cost-share - what's new with RAMP/Workday
- DEI in Action - How Research Administrators Can Enact Change, Every Day
- Demystifying F&A - How it's pooled/dispersed/calculated etc
- Export Controls and Sanctions Programs: Federal regulatory topics and trends that affect your work
- Federal updates- NIH and NSF
- Is it or isn't in Participant Support?
- Onboarding - Dealing with Unfinished Business when entering new Department/Role
- Onboarding New PIs - Best Practices for a Dept/Division
- Plotting a Career in Research Administration
- Public Access to Publications and Public Access to Data
- Purchasing/Business Services Topic
- RAMP Discussion - Lessons Learned from the Field -- Funding Proposals and Awards
- Research Security
- T32s - Fellowships
- The 3Ws of Organizational Culture: What is it? Who defines it? Why is it so hard to change?
- Time Management - Keeping it Simple
- Understanding Research Compliance - IRB, IACUC, Bio
- Working with PIs - communication etc.