Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification
RAMP - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
No-Cost Extension Request Procedures
Extramural Support Policies and Procedures
Research Education Development (RED)
Total Awards
Federal Awards
Non-Federal Awards
Research Expenditures
8th (FY22)
Page Updated: April 30th, 2021
This email is prepared by an award’s RSP Accountant and sent at the approximate dates listed in the Timeline document.
Subject: 133/144 PRJXXXX, MSN123456, PI NAME Closeout Review
Dear (departmental contact),
Post-award Closeout Summary
End Date:
(balance as of MM/DD/YYYY)
Project Period Expenses Requiring Further Documentation:
(if less than or equal to 5 list, otherwise attach spreadsheet)
Post period expenditures:
(if less than or equal to 5 list, otherwise attach spreadsheet)
Open encumbrances:
(if less than or equal to 5 list, otherwise attach spreadsheet)
Effort/Cost Share: Please work with your Effort Coordinator to ensure that effort certifications are completed and effort commitments have been met. If I don’t hear otherwise within ten business days, I will assume there are no problems. (accountants can provide any additional information or questions they have that relate to this specific project)
Departmental/divisional action required:
Please respond within ten business days.