Check Routing

Page Updated: July 3rd, 2024.

Please select the applicable check purpose below to determine how and where to route checks received on campus.

Grant or Fixed Price Contract -- Funds 133 & 144
Note: If a sponsor for a grant or fixed price contract asks where to send a check before it has already arrived on campus, please direct them to use the US Bank lockbox address below, which also appears on the invoices RSP sends. Checks should be payable to, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or UW Madison.

UW-Madison GAR Account
Office for Research & Sponsored Programs
Drawer #538
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0538

Follow the steps that apply to the situation from the following options when a check comes to a campus location.

New Grant or Fixed Price Contract with no RAMP record
  1. Create a RAMP record and follow the requirements for routing information to your Dean/Department/Division offices.
  2. Review the check payee for any special endorsement requirements. If a check for a Grant or Fixed Price Contract has been made payable to an entity other than the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or UW – Madison, the payee will need to endorse the check before RSP can deposit it. An authorized signor should write or stamp the back of the check at the top, “Pay to the order of Board of Regents of University of Wisconsin System,” and endorse or stamp as any other check made payable to the payee organization.
  3. The check, along with any documents that came with the check, reference to the RAMP record (FP#, AGR#, AMR#, AWD#) and a campus contact name and phone number should be mailed via US Postal Service (we recommend first class mail) to the US Bank lockbox address below, which also appears on the invoices RSP sends:

    UW-Madison GAR Account
    Office for Research & Sponsored Programs
    Drawer #538
    Milwaukee, WI 53278-0538
Grant or Fixed Price Contract with existing RAMP/Workday AWD#
  1. If a supplemental RAMP record is required, follow the requirements for routing information to your Dean/Department/Division offices.
  2. Review the check payee for any special endorsement requirements. If a check for a Grant or Fixed Price Contract has been made payable to an entity other than the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or UW – Madison, the payee will need to endorse the check before RSP can deposit it. An authorized signor should write or stamp the back of the check at the top, “Pay to the order of Board of Regents of University of Wisconsin System,” and endorse or stamp as any other check made payable to the payee organization.
  3. The check, along with any documents that came with the check, reference to the RAMP/Workday Award ID (AWD#) and a campus contact name and phone number should be mailed via US Postal Service (we recommend first class mail) to the US Bank lockbox address below, which also appears on the invoices RSP sends:

    UW-Madison GAR Account
    Office for Research & Sponsored Programs
    Drawer #538
    Milwaukee, WI 53278-0538
Clinical Trial Agreement -- Funds 133 & 144

Follow the steps that apply to the situation from the following options when a check comes to a campus location.

New Clinical trial with no RAMP record
  1. Create a RAMP record and follow the requirements for routing information to your Dean/Department/Division offices.
  2. Review the check payee for any special endorsement requirements. If a check for a Grant or Fixed Price Contract has been made payable to an entity other than the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or UW – Madison, the payee will need to endorse the check before RSP can deposit it. An authorized signor should write or stamp the back of the check at the top, “Pay to the order of Board of Regents of University of Wisconsin System,” and endorse or stamp as any other check made payable to the payee organization.
  3. The check, along with any documents that came with the check, reference to the RAMP record (FP#, AGR#, AMR#, AWD#) and a campus contact name and phone number should be mailed via US Postal Service (we recommend first class mail) to the US Bank lockbox address below, which also appears on the invoices RSP sends:

    UW-Madison GAR Account
    Office for Research & Sponsored Programs
    Drawer #538
    Milwaukee, WI 53278-0538
Clinical Trial with Existing RAMP/Workday Award ID (AWD#)
  1. Follow the requirements for routing information to your Dean/Department/Division Office.
  2. Review the check payee for any special endorsement requirements. If a check for a Clinical Trial has been made payable to an entity other than the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or UW – Madison, the payee will need to endorse the check before RSP can deposit it. An authorized signor should write or stamp the back of the check at the top, “Pay to the order of Board of Regents of University of Wisconsin System,” and endorse or stamp as any other check made payable to the payee organization.
  3. The check, along with any documents that came with the check, reference to the RAMP/Workday Award ID (AWD#) and a campus contact name and phone number should be mailed via US Postal Service (we recommend first class mail) to the US Bank lockbox address below, which also appears on the invoices RSP sends:

    UW-Madison GAR Account
    Office for Research & Sponsored Programs
    Drawer #538
    Milwaukee, WI 53278-0538
Gift -- Fund 233

Gift deposits, both new and additions to existing projects: use the UW Gift Routing Form and follow the instructions with the form. Direct any questions to

Other Funds -- NOT funds 133, 144 or 233

Other checks (Fee-For-Service checks, refund of expenditures, etc.) should be sent to Business Services with a Check Deposit Form. Send the check, check Deposit Form and all documentation to Business Services, 21 N Park St, Suite 5301. Direct any questions to


If the check is payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, use the University of Wisconsin Foundation Gift Deposit Form, which is available on the Foundation's Campus Access website for those with authorization to access that site. The form must be printed and routed for signature through the appropriate school/college Dean's office or Administrative Director's Office before sending it to the Foundation.

Note: If you believe a check intended as payment for a Grant or Fixed Price contract was made payable to the UW-Foundation in error, please contact RSP’s Revenue Management team at or call 608-262-3822 for assistance prior to routing the check.