Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification
RAMP - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
No-Cost Extension Request Procedures
Extramural Support Policies and Procedures
Research Education Development (RED)
Total Awards
Federal Awards
Non-Federal Awards
Research Expenditures
6th (FY23)
Page Updated: July 3rd, 2024.
Please select the applicable check purpose below to determine how and where to route checks received on campus.
Follow the steps that apply to the situation from the following options when a check comes to a campus location.
Follow the steps that apply to the situation from the following options when a check comes to a campus location.
Gift deposits, both new and additions to existing projects: use the UW Gift Routing Form and follow the instructions with the form. Direct any questions to giftmgt@bussvc.wisc.edu.
Other checks (Fee-For-Service checks, refund of expenditures, etc.) should be sent to Business Services with a Check Deposit Form. Send the check, check Deposit Form and all documentation to Business Services, 21 N Park St, Suite 5301. Direct any questions to cashmgt@bussvc.wisc.edu.
If the check is payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, use the University of Wisconsin Foundation Gift Deposit Form, which is available on the Foundation's Campus Access website for those with authorization to access that site. The form must be printed and routed for signature through the appropriate school/college Dean's office or Administrative Director's Office before sending it to the Foundation.