Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification
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8th (FY22)
Page Updated: January 23, 2020
The portion of the total costs of a sponsored project that is borne by the UW rather than the sponsor. This can take the form of salary support for project personnel or other material contributions such as equipment or third party donations.
The time devoted to a particular activity, expressed as a percentage of the total time spent on UW activities.
The university's means of providing assurance to sponsors, especially the federal government, that:
An administrator who facilitates the effort certification process by answering certifiers' questions, monitoring certification activity, and following up with delinquent certifiers. Effort coordinators in the UW's departments, centers, colleges, and schools provide local assistance to certifiers. Each college and school determines the placement of effort coordinators within its organizational structure and identifies appropriate administrative personnel to serve in this capacity.
A document that applies to a defined time period and reflects the committed effort, cost sharing, and salary associated with that time period. Once certified, it also reflects the actual effort.
The annual compensation paid by the University of Wisconsin for an individual's appointment, whether that individual's time is spent on research, instruction, administration, or other activities. Institutional base salary excludes any income that an individual earns outside of duties for the University of Wisconsin.
The principles that apply in defining an individual's IBS at the proposal stage must be applied consistently when charging salary to sponsored projects and certifying effort.
Student hourly wages for work unrelated to sponsored projects are excluded from IBS. Some student hourly effort is charged to sponsored projects, but most is not. An individual who works on a sponsored project may have a second, student hourly appointment as, for example, a lifeguard, fitness instructor, or recreational sports official, where such work is unrelated to his or her sponsored effort. This is not considered professional effort, and the corresponding wages would not be included when proposing salary or effort for a sponsored project.
A person who contributes to the scientific or scholarly development or execution of project in a substantive, measurable way. In the context of establishing commitments and tracking effort, a key person is defined as the principal investigator, all co-investigators, and all individuals explicitly listed as key personnel in the proposal. In situations in which the proposal does not explicitly list key persons, the University defines key personnel as the principal investigator and all co-investigators on a sponsored project.
In the context of obligations related to a significant change in work activity, a key person is defined as all individuals who are named as key personnel in the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA). Often, the principal investigator/project director is the only person specifically named in the NOGA.
Short-term fluctuations in devoted effort
Periods during which the devoted effort is less than commensurate with the salary charged to a sponsored project, followed by periods during which it is more than commensurate, such that it all “evens out” and the appropriate effort is devoted to the project. A deficit is acceptable for a period of not more than two months, provided the overall distribution is reasonable over the longer term. This is in contrast with a significant change in work activity, which represents a permanent or longer-term change.
Significant changes in work activity
A withdrawal from a sponsored project, a disengagement from the project for more than three months, or a 25 percent (or greater) reduction in time devoted to the project. A significant change in work activity on the part of a principal investigator, project director, or key person who is listed in the Notice of Award requires prior approval from a federal sponsor.
For purposes of effort certification, this encompasses:
Departmental/University Research
Research, development, and scholarly activities that are not funded by a sponsored project from federal or non-federal agencies or organizations. Departmental/University research includes internally funded research, regardless of whether the activities are separately budgeted and accounted for.
For purposes of effort certification, this is the preparation, evaluation, and delivery of the teaching and training activities of the University, regardless of whether offered on a credit or non-credit basis. Also includes instruction-related activities such as thesis advice, mentoring of students except as directly related to the faculty member's sponsored research, and similar activities.
Student mentoring that relates directly to a faculty member's sponsored research is considered a research activity that may be allocated to the sponsored project.
Basic activities of University life
For purposes of effort certification, this includes preparing expense reports, certifying effort, and other activities that are intrinsic to a faculty or staff member's daily routine. These activities are not viewed as serving a separate university function or administrative purpose, apart from the research, teaching, clinical, or administrative function(s) in which the faculty or staff member is otherwise engaged.
This does not include proposal preparation.
If such "housekeeping" activities become more than de minimis in amount for any reason, it may be necessary to reflect them in an administrative or other component of total effort.
Research patient care
Clinical patient care that is solely rendered as part of the requirement of a clinical research protocol and would not have been required or provided but for that research. This excludes patient care that is part of the normal standard of care, even if provided to a research subject.
For purposes of effort certification, this is membership in either a standing committee such as an admissions committee, governance body, IACUC, IRB, or other similar group, or an ad hoc committee such as a search committee or task force. Service on an ad hoc committee or task force may qualify as de minimis effort, depending on the extent of the individual's involvement.
Sponsored Project
A project funded by an award from a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement under which the Institution agrees to perform a certain scope of work, according to specified terms and conditions, for a specific budget. A sponsored project requires detailed financial accountability and compliance with the sponsor’s terms and conditions.
UW Clinical Activity
Clinical activity, other than research patient care, for which an individual is compensated directly by the University of Wisconsin rather than by the UW Medical Foundation. For example, faculty and staff in the Schools of Pharmacy and Nursing are typically involved in patient care activities for which they are paid directly by the University. On the other hand, faculty and staff in the School of Medicine and Public Health are typically compensated through the UW Medical Foundation.
UWMF Clinical Activity
Time spent preparing for, providing, and following up on the clinical care needs of patients through the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation (UWMF), other than research patient care. Examples include actual treatment of patients, reviewing medical records, charting patient treatments, ordering and reviewing tests and consultations, consulting with colleagues on patient care issues, or supervising residents or medical students while providing clinical care.