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Internal Transfer for Proposals/Grants

Page Updated: June 24, 2024

When a Principal Investigator requests or organizational changes necessitate transferring an extramural proposal or grant/contract award (Fund 133 or 144 account) from one University administrative unit to another, the following procedures should be used:

  1. Initiated by Principal Investigator
    • Use the Transfer Form to request transfer of a single proposal/grant/contract.
    • To request a transfer of two or more proposals/grants/contracts, use the Transfer Form and attach a list of proposals/awards to be transferred.
  2. University restructuring, such as moving an entire department from one school or college to another or reorganization of a school or college UDDS structure
    • If the transfer is between schools or colleges, the sending unit should prepare a memo and send to the RSP Accountant with copies to the receiving College/School Dean's which includes the Effective Date of the Transfer and the following:
      • For Active Awards
        • Fund/Account
        • PI Name
        • Sponsor
        • Former UDDS
        • New UDDS
      • Pending Proposals
        • Proposal No.
        • PI Name
        • Sponsor
        • Former UDDS
        • New UDDS
    • Copies of the memo and the proposal/award/contract files should be sent to the receiving Dept/Center Chair/Director.

If the transfer is within a school or college, a memo from the dean or designee to the RSP Accountant specifying the detail information above is sufficient. Copies of the memo should be sent to the former Dept/Center Chair/Director and to the receiving Dept/Center Chair/Director.