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6th (FY23)
Page Updated: May 18, 2022
The purpose of this guidance is to assist Research Administrators at UW-Madison with the implementation of federal Single Institutional Review Board (SIRB) requirements to ensure proposals continue to be submitted on time and accurately.
Effective January 20, 2020, all federally funded multisite studies involving non-exempt human subjects research require single IRB review. The single IRB requirement is part of the revised Common Rule and applies to all federal agencies (e.g., NIH, Department of Education, NSF) and all types of non-exempt human subjects research, including social-behavioral studies.
Before submitting a proposal to a funding agency, study teams MUST consult with the Reliance and Navigation Team (RELIANT) for assistance in identifying the best single IRB of record for a study. Determining the best IRB option is based on factors such as study timeline, number of sites, and type of study. Single IRB options include UW-Madison, commercial IRBs, or other academic or healthcare institutions.
UW-Madison may agree to serve as the single IRB only for studies with external funding. See Appendices A and B of the reliance manual. Please note that UW-Madison cannot guarantee it will serve as the single IRB without prior consultation with RELIANT.
Study teams are encouraged to consult with RELIANT as early as possible in the proposal development stage to ensure single IRB requirements are addressed. To request a consultation, submit a request form or email irbreliance@wisc.edu for assistance.
When you receive notice that funding will be awarded, contact irbreliance@wisc.edu as soon as possible for assistance with single IRB arrangements. Please note that all reliance agreements (e.g., IRB authorization agreements) must be routed through the Reliance and Navigation Team (RELIANT) and signed by the UW’s institutional official.