NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit

Page Updated: January 28, 2025


In March 2021, NIH announced that NIH NRSA fellows are eligible to request funds to defray childcare costs. See NOT-OD-21-074. In September 2021, NIH announced that they would begin providing childcare cost support to full-time NIH predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees on NRSA institutional training grants. See NOT-OD-21-177. In FY2024, NIH raised the childcare subsidy from $2,500 to $3,000 per budget period. See NOT-OD-24-116.

The NRSA childcare costs apply to:

  • Full-time NIH NRSA-supported fellowship positions (F30, F31, F32, or F33 awards). Each fellow (or each parent, where both parents are NIH NRSA fellows) is eligible to request up to $3,000.
  • Full-time predoctoral or postdoctoral NIH NRSA-support institutional research training award appointments (T32, TL1, TU2, and T90 awards). Each trainee (or each parent, where both parents are eligible NIH NRSA trainees) may request up to $3,000. (Undergraduate and short-term trainees are not eligible to receive childcare costs.)

Childcare costs are permitted for dependent children living in the fellow's or trainee's home from birth under the age of 13, or children who are disabled and under age 18. This is inclusive of foster/adoption and part-time custody situations where the child is of appropriate age.

NIH has also issued FAQs which provide clarifying details related to childcare costs.

Although long-standing UW-Madison policy is that reimbursement of childcare expenses is not permitted, an exception will be granted for the NIH or AHRQ NRSA childcare benefit.

In addition to the NIH, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) may provide up to $2,500 in childcare costs for full-time NRSA fellows or trainees. Please see the notice for individual fellows or the notice for training awards to obtain details about how to request or access these funds from the agency. Should AHRQ award funds for NRSA childcare costs, UW-Madison will follow existing procedures for NIH NRSA childcare costs.

The information below highlights major steps in the NIH NRSA childcare benefit process. Note that there are separate sections geared toward fellows and trainees. While the reimbursement processes are the same, there are slight differences in application and reporting requirements.

NIH NRSA Fellows
Fellows: Process Overview
  1. A fellow prepares an application (i.e., new proposal, supplemental proposal, or RPPR) that includes childcare costs.
  2. The application is submitted by UW-Madison to the NIH.
  3. The NIH reviews the application.
  4. The NIH issues a Notice of Award (NoA) that includes childcare costs.
  5. RSP receives the NoA with childcare costs.
  6. RSP sets up a separate project for the childcare costs, which are restricted and cannot be used for any other purpose without NIH prior approval.
  7. The department creates a letter of appointment for the fellow that includes language about the childcare benefit.
    • Suggested language for letter of appointment:
      NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit
      NIH recognizes that the high cost of childcare impacts (graduate students/post-doctorates) funded through NRSA fellowships, and their ability to successfully complete their training and fully participate in extramural research workforce.  Therefore, as part of the NIH’s on-going efforts to support family-friendly work environment, your position is eligible to receive up to $3,000 per budget period for costs for childcare provided by a licensed childcare provider. The budget period of your award is START DATE-END DATE.  Further information about this benefit, including the process for reimbursement, is found at the NIH NRSA Childcare Costs webpage. For specific questions regarding the reimbursement process for this benefit, please contact department/unit administrator, CONTACT NAME, at CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS.
    • If the fellow/trainee submitted a supplemental proposal to NIH requesting said funds, the department must reissue a letter of appointment in order for the childcare benefit language to be added to the currently funded appointment period/budget period.
  8. The fellow receives childcare services from a regulated provider.
  9. The fellow collects receipt(s) for childcare services provided by regulated provider.
  10. The fellow requests that the childcare provider complete the childcare services provided letter and provide a copy of their state license or certificate.
  11. The fellow submits the childcare services provided letter, copy of provider’s state license or certificate, and receipts to the departmental administrator no later than 30 days before the appointment end date and budget period.
    • The reimbursement request must be submitted no later than 30 days before the end date of the appointment period and budget period, which is stated in the appointment letter. Whichever date is earlier (the appointment end date or budget period end date) is the date that applies.
    • Multiple reimbursement requests may be submitted as services are provided during the appointment period.
    • Unused funds cannot be carried over into the next appointment period.
  12. The departmental administrator completes the section, "For University Use Only" on the childcare services provided letter and sends the letter to the departmental payroll representative.
    • The departmental administrator is expected to ensure that payments do not exceed the budgeted amount and are incurred within the appropriate period, and to maintain back-up documentation.
  13. The departmental payroll representative notifies the division HR representative of the payroll transaction to reimburse the fellow for childcare costs seven days in advance of the corresponding payroll final confirmation. The request needs to include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
  14. The division HR representative enters the payment using the Additional Pay function and the Earnings Code STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows). This Earnings Code will automatically use Account Code 5715. The comments must include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
  15. The fellow’s supervisor must review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction. Afterward, the division HR representative will review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction.
  16. The department payroll representative will review the payment on the corresponding payroll edit report to ensure accuracy.
  17. The fellow receives the reimbursement in the same manner that other stipend payments are received, e.g., direct deposit.
  18. In February, UW Shared Services sends a Fellowship letter to the fellow indicating stipend paid for the previous calendar year. The letter contains the following language, “If your fellowship is supported by an NIH NRSA award, the amount reported above may include payment(s) for childcare expenses. If that is the case, you will receive a second letter from your department with additional information.”
  19. In February, the department prepares and sends a letter to the fellow showing the amount paid for the NIH NRSA childcare benefit during the previous calendar year. A template and instructions are available.
Fellows: How the Fellow and Institution Request Funds from NIH for Childcare Costs

Each individual fellow must request funds from the NIH for childcare costs. Applications must be routed through RAMP and will be submitted by RSP.

Instructions for Fellows

The NIH has included application instructions for fellows on this webpage. Go to the section on NRSA Fellowship Application Instructions, which contains information for New Applications, Continuation Applications, or Administrative Supplements. Requests for childcare costs may be made in new applications, continuation applications/RPPRs, or administrative supplements. For requests submitted in the RPPR, requested amounts and number of years must be included in Section G.1. For administrative supplements, applications must be submitted using Notice of Special Interest NOT-OD-21-070 or subsequent guidance.

Should you have any questions about how to apply for the funds, please feel free to contact a member of the RSP Proposal team.

Fellows: How NIH-Awarded Childcare Funds Are Issued and Set Up by RSP

If NIH approves the request for funding, the funds for childcare costs will be issued to UW-Madison as part of the NIH-issued Notice of Award. Research and Sponsored Programs receives Notices of Award on behalf of the institution, and the RSP Award Setup team will create separate projects for childcare costs. The project title will indicate that the funds are restricted for childcare costs.

Fellows: How the Department Notifies the Fellow of Availability of Funds for Childcare Costs

Once the NIH makes the funds available, and RSP sets up a new project, the department is responsible for notifying the fellow that the funds for childcare costs are available.

The department sponsoring the fellow creates and sends a letter of appointment for new or current fellows. For those fellows whose awards include funding for childcare costs, the letter of appointment should include the following suggested language:

NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit

NIH recognizes that the high cost of childcare impacts (graduate students/post-doctorates) funded through NRSA fellowships, and their ability to successfully complete their training and fully participate in extramural research workforce.  Therefore, as part of the NIH’s on-going efforts to support family-friendly work environment, your position is eligible to receive up to $3,000 per budget period for costs for childcare provided by a licensed childcare provider. The budget period of your award is START DATE-END DATE.  Further information about this benefit, including the process for reimbursement, is found at NRSA childcare webpage. For specific questions regarding the reimbursement process for this benefit, please contact department/unit administrator, CONTACT NAME, at CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS.

If the fellow has an active appointment and has been awarded funds for childcare costs through a supplemental Notice of Award, the department must reissue a letter of appointment with the childcare benefit language added.

Fellows: How the Fellow Prepares and Submits a Reimbursement Request for Childcare Costs

UW-Madison is responsible for disbursing funds to the individual fellows after childcare services have been provided. Care must be taken to ensure that reimbursements are paid from the specifically-designated childcare projects.

The fellow must first obtain documentation from their childcare provider. Once that documentation has been obtained, the fellow must provide the information to the departmental administrator. See the steps below.

Steps the Fellow Must Follow to Prepare and Submit a Reimbursement Request:

  1. The fellow must receive services from a regulated childcare provider, per NIH policy.
  2. The fellow must collect receipts for services from the provider.
  3. The fellow must request that their child care provider complete the letter at this link. The provider must include a copy of their state license or certificate.
  4. The fellow must provide the receipts, completed and signed letter, and license or certificate to the departmental administrator.

The fellow may submit one or more requests for reimbursement as services are provided during the appointment period.

  • The reimbursement request(s) must be submitted no later than 30 days before the end date of the appointment period and budget period, which is stated in the appointment letter. Whichever date is earlier (the appointment end date or budget period end date) is the date that applies.
  • Unused funds cannot be carried over into the next appointment period.

Should any questions arise about completion of the letter or preparation of the reimbursement request, please contact the department/unit administrator identified in the appointment letter.

Fellows: How the Department/Division Processes the Reimbursement Request

Once the fellow has provided a request consisting of receipts, a completed and signed letter, and a copy of the childcare provider’s license or certificate, the departmental administrator and payroll staff person can process the request.

Steps the Department and Division Must Follow to Process Reimbursement Request:

  1. The departmental administrator completes the section, "For University Use Only" on the childcare services provided letter and sends the letter to the departmental payroll representative.
    • The departmental administrator is expected to ensure that payments do not exceed the budgeted amount and are incurred within the appropriate period, and to maintain back-up documentation.
  2. The departmental payroll representative notifies the division HR representative of the payroll transaction to reimburse the fellow for childcare costs seven days in advance of the corresponding payroll final confirmation. The request needs to include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
  3. The division HR representative enters the payment using the Additional Pay function and the Earnings Code STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows). This Earnings Code will automatically use Account Code 5715. The comments must include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
    • The division HR representative must use the NIH project specifically designated for childcare costs to reimburse the fellow. The Funding String is in the “For University Use Only” section of the childcare services provided letter.
  4. The fellow’s supervisor must review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction. Afterward, the division HR representative will review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction.
  5. The department payroll representative will review the payment on the corresponding payroll edit report to ensure accuracy. For this transaction, the Earnings Code will be STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows), and the Account Code will be 5715.
  6. The fellow receives the reimbursement in the same manner that other stipend payments are received, e.g., direct deposit.
  7. The department must retain records for the required amount of time. Fiscal records (ledgers, vouchers, receipts, etc.) must be kept for seven years (current fiscal year + six years). See the following link for more information:

Fellows: How the Fellow Receives Information for Personal Tax Reporting Purposes
  • In February, UW Shared Services prepares a Fellowship Letter for the fellow indicating stipend paid for the previous calendar year. The letter contains the following language, “If your fellowship is supported by an NIH NRSA award, the amount reported above may include payment(s) for childcare expenses. If that is the case, you will receive a second letter from your department with additional information.” The Fellowship letter is found in MyUW, under Tax Statements in the Payroll Information tile.
  • In February, the department prepares and sends a supplemental letter to the fellow showing the amount paid to them for NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit during the previous calendar year. The childcare benefit amount shown in the supplemental letter is included in the annual Fellowship Letter sent to the fellow from UW Shared Services. The department must issue this supplemental letter because childcare benefits may be treated differently from the fellowship/scholarship for personal tax reporting purposes. Fellows must consult IRS regulations and their personal tax preparer for proper reporting of these childcare benefits. The UW and its employees cannot provide advice on personal tax reporting or preparation. A template and instructions for the supplemental letter are available. For any questions related to the supplemental letter, please reach out to the departmental administrator identified in your appointment letter.
NIH NRSA Trainees
Trainee: Process Overview
  1. The PI/department prepares an institutional training grant application (new, renewal, or continuation). The application does not need to include a specific request for childcare costs.
  2. The application is submitted by UW-Madison to the NIH.
  3. The NIH reviews the application.
  4. If the application is funded, the NIH issues a Notice of Award (NoA) that includes childcare costs, an amount of $3,000 per each full-time predoctoral and postdoctoral trainee slot.
  5. RSP receives the NoA with childcare costs.
  6. RSP sets up a separate project for the childcare costs, which are restricted and cannot be used for any other purpose without NIH prior written approval. Childcare costs are also not subject to F&A costs.
  7. The department creates a letter of appointment for the trainee that includes language about the childcare benefit.
    • Suggested language for letter of appointment:

      NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit
      NIH recognizes that the high cost of childcare impacts (graduate students/post-doctorates) funded through NRSA traineeships, and their ability to successfully complete their training and fully participate in extramural research workforce.  Therefore, as part of the NIH’s on-going efforts to support family-friendly work environment, your position is eligible to receive up to $3,000 per budget period for costs for childcare provided by a licensed childcare provider. The budget period associated with your appointment is START DATE-END DATE. The funds for childcare costs are available through your appointment period, even if your appointment period overlaps more than one grant budget period. Further information about this benefit, including the process for reimbursement, is found at the NIH NRSA Childcare Costs webpage. For specific questions regarding the reimbursement process for this benefit, please contact department/unit administrator, CONTACT NAME, at CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS.

  8. The trainee receives childcare services from a regulated provider.
  9. The trainee collects receipt(s) for childcare services provided by regulated provider.
  10. The trainee requests that the child care provider complete the childcare services provided letter and provide a copy of their state license or certificate.
  11. The trainee submits the childcare services provided letter, copy of provider’s state license or certificate, and receipts to the departmental administrator no later than 30 days before the appointment end date.

    • Multiple reimbursement requests may be submitted as services are provided during the appointment period.
    • All reimbursement requests should be submitted no later than 30 days before the end of the appointment period, which is stated in the appointment letter.
    • Unused funds cannot be carried over into the next appointment period.
    • Departments should check in with trainees at least 30 days prior to the end of the training grant budget period on the status of unused childcare funds. Departments and RSP accountants should communicate regarding anticipated childcare costs that have not yet been reimbursed. This will enable the department and RSP to know if any funds remain to be used in the next budget period and for RSP to reflect accurately any unliquidated obligations to the NIH.
    • For trainees who are appointed in the middle of a budget period, unused funds may be carried over from one budget period to the next, provided that all funds are used within the appointment period. See below How the Trainee Prepares and Submits a Reimbursement Request for Childcare Costs for additional information.
  12. The departmental administrator completes the section, "For University Use Only" on the childcare services provided letter and sends the letter to the departmental payroll representative.
    • The departmental administrator is expected to ensure that payments do not exceed the budgeted amount and are incurred within the appropriate period, and to maintain back-up documentation.
  13. The departmental payroll representative notifies the division HR representative of the payroll transaction to reimburse the trainee for childcare costs seven days in advance of the corresponding payroll final confirmation. The request needs to include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
  14. The division HR representative enters the payment using the Additional Pay function and the Earnings Code STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows). This Earnings Code will automatically use Account Code 5715. The comments must include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure. The same Earnings Code and Account Code are used for both fellows and trainees.
  15. The trainee’s supervisor must review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction. Afterward, the division HR representative will review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction.
  16. The department payroll representative will review the payment on the corresponding payroll edit report to ensure accuracy.
  17. The trainee receives the reimbursement in the same manner that other stipend payments are received, e.g., direct deposit.
  18. In February, UW Shared Services sends a Fellowship letter to the trainee indicating stipend paid for the previous calendar year. The letter contains the following language, “If your fellowship is supported by an NIH NRSA award, the amount reported above may include payment(s) for childcare expenses. If that is the case, you will receive a second letter from your department with additional information.”
  19. In February, the department prepares and sends a letter to the trainee showing the amount paid for the NIH NRSA childcare benefit during the previous calendar year. A template and instructions are available.
  20. The PI/department must include information in the RPPR/Continuation Application, G.1. Special Reporting Requirements section, about trainees who have received funds for childcare costs. NIH states in the FAQs, C.3:
    • Continuation Applications
    • In Section G.1 of the RPPR, recipients must upload a PDF named “Childcare_Costs.pdf” (without quotation marks). The attachment must specify the number of trainees who received funds for childcare costs in the reporting period. System enhancements are forthcoming that will incorporate reporting via xTrain.
Trainee: How the Institution Requests Funds from NIH for Childcare Costs

The PI/department prepares an institutional training grant application (new, renewal, or continuation). The application does not need to include a specific request for childcare costs. Costs will be based on the number of full-time pre- and post-doctoral slots. Applications must be routed through RAMP and will be submitted by RSP. For Continuation Applications, the PI/department must include information in Section G.1 of the RPPR about how many trainees have used Childcare Costs.

Should you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact a member of the RSP Proposal team.

Trainee: How NIH-Awarded Childcare Funds Are Issued and Set Up by RSP

If the application is funded, the funds for childcare costs will be issued to UW-Madison as part of the NIH-issued Notice of Award. The NIH will include an amount of $3,000 for each full-time predoctoral and postdoctoral trainee slot awarded.

Research and Sponsored Programs receives Notices of Award on behalf of the institution, and the RSP Award Setup team will create a separate project for childcare costs. The project title will indicate that the funds are restricted for childcare costs. Childcare costs are not subject to F&A costs.

As necessary, the RSP Post-Award Accountant will ensure that the project budget contains a $0 stipend budget line so that the childcare payment can be processed.

Trainee: How the Department Notifies the Trainee of Availability of Funds for Childcare Costs

Once the NIH makes the funds available, and RSP sets up a new project, the department is responsible for notifying the trainee that the funds for childcare costs are available.

The department sponsoring the trainee creates and sends a letter of appointment for new or current trainees. The letter of appointment should include the following suggested language:

NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit

NIH recognizes that the high cost of childcare impacts (graduate students/post-doctorates) funded through NRSA traineeships, and their ability to successfully complete their training and fully participate in extramural research workforce.  Therefore, as part of the NIH’s on-going efforts to support family-friendly work environment, your position is eligible to receive up to $3,000 per budget period for costs for childcare provided by a licensed childcare provider. The budget period associated with your appointment is START DATE-END DATE. The funds for childcare costs are available through your appointment period, even if your appointment period overlaps more than one grant budget period. Further information about this benefit, including the process for reimbursement, is found at NRSA childcare webpage. For specific questions regarding the reimbursement process for this benefit, please contact department/unit administrator, CONTACT NAME, at CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS.

Trainee: How the Trainee Prepares and Submits a Reimbursement Request for Childcare Costs

UW-Madison is responsible for disbursing funds to the individual trainees after childcare services have been provided. Care must be taken to ensure that reimbursements are paid from the specifically-designated childcare projects.

The trainee must first obtain documentation from their child care provider. Once that documentation has been obtained, the trainee must provide the information to the departmental administrator. See the steps below.

Steps the Trainee Must Follow to Prepare and Submit a Reimbursement Request:

  1. The trainee must receive services from a regulated childcare provider, per NIH policy.
  2. The trainee must collect receipts for services from the provider.
  3. The trainee must request that their child care provider complete the letter at this link. The provider must include a copy of their state license or certificate.
  4. The trainee must provide the receipts, completed and signed letter, and license or certificate to the departmental administrator.

The trainee may submit one or more requests for reimbursement as services are provided during the appointment period.

  • All reimbursement request(s) must be submitted no later than 30 days before the end of the appointment period, which is stated in the appointment letter.
  • Unused funds cannot be carried over into the next appointment period.
  • Departments should check in with trainees at least 30 days prior to the end of the training grant budget period on the status of unused childcare funds. Departments and RSP accountants should communicate regarding anticipated childcare costs that have not yet been reimbursed. This will enable the department and RSP to know if any funds remain to be used in the next budget period and for RSP to reflect accurately any unliquidated obligations to the NIH.
  • For trainees who are appointed in the middle of a budget period, unused funds may be carried over from one budget period to the next, provided that all funds are used within the appointment period.
  • Should any questions arise about completion of the letter or preparation of the reimbursement request, please contact the department/unit administrator identified in the appointment letter.

Example: Unused Childcare Costs

The department and RSP should be aware of how unused funds for childcare costs are treated. For trainees who are appointed in the middle of a budget period, unused funds for childcare costs may be carried over from one budget period to the next, provided that all funds are used within the appointment period. This is similar to how stipends or tuition for trainees are treated. Let’s look at an example:

A training grant is awarded 10 predoc trainee slots in budget period one. (Note that in FY2024, the NIH increased childcare to $3,000 per budget period.)

  • Budget period one: 7/1/21 – 6/30/22
  • The award document includes:
    • 10 slots x $25,836 stipend for each trainee = $258,360
    • 10 slots x $16,000 tuition for each trainee = $160,000
    • 10 slots x $2,500 childcare for each trainee = $25,000
  • During budget period one, 8 of 10 slots have predoc trainees appointed. The 8 trainees are appointed from 9/1/2021 to 8/31/2022. 2 slots go unused, along with the associated stipends, tuition, and childcare costs.
  • 8 trainees appointed during the budget period one.
    • Stipends $25,836 x 8 = $206,688
    • Tuition $16,000 x 8 = $128,000
    • Childcare $2,500 x 8 = $20,000
    • Unspent stipends, tuition, and childcare at the end of budget period one are treated as an unliquidated obligation on the annual FFR; funds will be spent in budget period two.
  • 2 trainee slots are not filled during budget period one.
    • Stipends $25,826 x 2 = $51,672
    • Tuition $16,000 x 2 = $32,000
    • Childcare $2,500 x 2 = $5,000
    • Treated as an unobligated balance on the annual FFR; funds are not available for spending in budget period two without prior approval from NIH.

Trainee: How the Department/Division Processes the Reimbursement Request

Once the trainee has provided a request consisting of receipts, a completed and signed letter, and a copy of the childcare provider’s license or certificate, the departmental administrator and payroll staff person can process the request.

Steps the Department and Division Must Follow to Process Reimbursement Request:

  1. The departmental administrator completes the section, "For University Use Only" on the childcare services provided letter and sends the letter to the departmental payroll representative.
    • The departmental administrator is expected to ensure that payments do not exceed the budgeted amount and are incurred within the appropriate period, and to maintain back-up documentation.
  2. The departmental payroll representative notifies the division HR representative of the payroll transaction to reimburse the trainee for childcare costs seven days in advance of the corresponding payroll final confirmation. The request needs to include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
  3. The division HR representative enters the payment using the Additional Pay function and the Earnings Code STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows). This Earnings Code will automatically use Account Code 5715. The comments must include the purpose of the reimbursement, the dates of services, and the total expenditure.
    • The division HR representative must use the NIH project specifically designated for childcare costs to reimburse the trainee. The Funding String is in the “For University Use Only” section of the childcare services provided letter.
  4. The trainee’s supervisor must review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction. Afterward, the division HR representative will review and approve the Additional Pay payroll transaction.
    • The department payroll representative will review the payment on the corresponding payroll edit report to ensure accuracy. For this transaction, the Earnings Code will be STC (NIH-NRSA Childcare Payments for fellows), and the Account Code will be 5715.
    • The trainee receives the reimbursement in the same manner that other stipend payments are received, e.g., direct deposit.
  5. The department must retain records for the required amount of time. Fiscal records (ledgers, vouchers, receipts, etc.) must be kept for seven years (current fiscal year + six years). See the following link for more information:

Trainee: How the Trainee Receives Information for Personal Tax Reporting Purposes
  • In February, UW Shared Services prepares a Fellowship Letter for the fellow indicating stipend paid for the previous calendar year. The letter contains the following language, “If your fellowship is supported by an NIH NRSA award, the amount reported above may include payment(s) for childcare expenses. If that is the case, you will receive a second letter from your department with additional information.” The Fellowship letter is found in MyUW, under Tax Statements in the Payroll Information tile.
  • In February, the department prepares and sends a supplemental letter to the trainee showing the amount paid to them for NIH NRSA Childcare Benefit during the previous calendar year. The childcare benefit amount shown in the supplemental letter is included in the annual Fellowship Letter prepared by UW Shared Services. The department must issue this supplemental letter because childcare benefits may be treated differently from the fellowship/scholarship for personal tax reporting purposes. Trainees must consult IRS regulations and their personal tax preparer for proper reporting of these childcare benefits. The UW and its employees cannot provide advice on personal tax reporting or preparation. A template and instructions for the supplemental letter are available. For any questions related to the supplemental letter, please reach out to the departmental administrator identified in your appointment letter.
Trainee: How the PI/Department Reports on Trainee Childcare Costs

The NIH requires that Continuation Applications include information about the number of trainees who have used childcare costs. The Notice provides the following instructions and information.

Reporting for Continuation Applications

Recipients must follow the instructions for Section G.1 Special Notice of Award and Funding Opportunity Announcement Reporting Requirements of the RPPR, as outlined in the RPPR Instruction Guide. Future system enhancements are anticipated that will incorporate reporting via xTrain. Additional information and implementation guidance will be issued.


Appointment period means the time interval during which the fellow or trainee receives NIH NRSA support. Most appointments are intended to be twelve months long. The appointment period is specified in the individual’s appointment letter.

Budget period means the time interval from the start date of a funded portion of an award to the end date of that funded portion during which recipients are authorized to expend the funds awarded, including any funds carried forward or other revisions pursuant to § 200.308. A budget period is typically twelve months. The budget period start and end dates are specified in the award document(s).

Reporting period is the time interval for which the grantee must submit a progress report. The time interval for a reporting period is the same as the time interval for a budget period.