Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification
RAMP - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
No-Cost Extension Request Procedures
Extramural Support Policies and Procedures
Research Education Development (RED)
Total Awards
Federal Awards
Non-Federal Awards
Research Expenditures
8th (FY22)
Page Updated: June 24, 2024
BR%00 All Re-Budget Need Approval: Any deviation from original approved budget needs prior sponsor approval.
BR%05 5% Budget Tol - Needs Approvl: Revisions to approved grant budget must be requested from the sponsor when changes result or are anticipated to result in spending in excess of either the total budget or any of the approved budget categories by more than 5 percent.
BR%10 10% Budget Tol - Needs Approvl: Revisions to approved grant budget must be requested from the sponsor when changes result or are anticipated to result in spending in excess of either the total budget or any of the approved budget categories by more than 10 percent.
BR%15 15% Budget Tol - Needs Approvl: Revisions to approved grant budget must be requested from the sponsor when changes result or are anticipated to result in spending in excess of either the total budget or any of the approved budget categories by more than 15 percent.
BR%20 20% Budget Tol - Needs Approvl: Revisions to approved grant budget must be requested from the sponsor when changes result or are anticipated to result in spending in excess of either the total budget or any of the approved budget categories by more than 20 percent.
BR%25 25% Budget Tol - Needs Approvl: Revisions to approved grant budget must be requested from the sponsor when changes result or are anticipated to result in spending in excess of either the total budget or any of the approved budget categories by more than 25 percent.
BRNO No Re-budgeting Allowed: The sponsor does not allow any deviation from original approved budget.
BROTH Budget Toler Oth, Need Appvl: The sponsor allows monetary expense re-budgeting, but requires that prior approval be obtained.
Comments: Should be used in the event that no other Budget Tolerance term is applicable, but prior sponsor approval is required. Example 1: Any deviation more than $500 needs prior sponsor approval. Example 2: REU Supplements require prior approval for any rebudgeting that includes participant support costs.
BRUW Re-budgeting Internal Approval: Any deviation from original approved budget does not need prior sponsor approval but may need approval by RSP staff.
Comments: Such a revision may require internal UW approval.
CARES CARES Act: Funds received under the CARES Act.
CLNBL RSPRespClinicalTrialBilling: RSP Post-Award Accountant is responsible for invoicing sponsor for the clinical trial.
Comments: Should be used when RSP must submit invoices for clinical trial agreements. Typically, departments are responsible for sending invoices to sponsor as patients are enrolled in clinical trials. For select clinical trials, for instance, CTAs for the Dept. of Biostatistics, RSP is responsible for sending the sponsor invoices based on a pre-determined schedule. To have RSP billing sponsors for CTAs is the rare exception, not the rule.
CONF Confidentiality: The University must keep in confidence proprietary or trade secret information.
Comment: Should be used whenever the agreement contains a confidentiality clause, regardless of the length of the time commitment to keep information confidential.
C/ONO Carryover Not Allowed: The unobligated balance cannot be carried over to the next budget segment.
C/OOK Carryover Automatic: The unobligated balance may be carried over to the next budget segment without prior sponsor approval.
Comments: Should be used when funds can be carried over from one budget period to the next without needing prior sponsor approval.
For NIH grants eligible for automatic carryover, Financial Status Reports must specify the amount to be carried over to the next budget period. The notification must be provided under item 12, "Remarks," on the FSR.
C/OPA Carryover Needs Prior Approval: In order to carry over an unobligated balance, the PI must obtain prior approval from the sponsor.
Comments: Should be used when prior approval must be obtained for carryover. The PI should prepare a letter requesting the carryover. RSP must sign the request before it is submitted to the sponsor. Once the sponsor has approved the carryover request, the PI must ensure that RSP receives a copy of the approval.
CS3P Cost Share Third Party: Expenses borne by a party external to the university, usually to meet a mandatory sponsor requirement. The third party may be a subawardee.
Comments: Should be used when the UW has made a commitment to the Sponsor that a third party entity would pay for a portion of the work to complete the project. The expenses can include:
See cost sharing guidance at https://rsp.wisc.edu/costsharing/.
CSMAN Mandatory Cost Sharing: Mandatory cost sharing is required by the sponsor as a condition for proposal submission and award acceptance. A mandatory cost sharing requirement will be specified in the sponsor’s published request for proposals. If the indicated level of cost sharing is not included in a proposal, the proposal will not receive consideration by the sponsor.
Comments: Should be used whenever the University has a mandatory cost sharing commitment (payroll, non-payroll, or third party). See cost sharing guidance at https://rsp.wisc.edu/costsharing/.
CSNPY Cost Share Non-Payroll: Cost share committed in the form of allowable sponsored project expenses as defined by 2 CFR 200, Subpart E and paid by the university, other than salaries and the associated fringe benefits.
Comments: Should be used in instances when the UW has made a commitment to the Sponsor that the UW would pay for a portion of the work, other than salary & the associated fringe, to complete the project. These can include:
See cost sharing guidance at https://rsp.wisc.edu/costsharing/.
CSPAY Cost Share Payroll: Cost share committed in the form of salaries paid by the university, and the associated fringe benefits, for UW faculty and staff who devote effort to sponsored projects.
Comments: Should be used when the UW has made a payroll/salary commitment to the Sponsor, meaning the UW committed to pay a portion of an individual’s salary while working on the project. Entry of this term should be made for both voluntary committed and mandatory payroll cost sharing. This is typically tracked using the SFS Payroll Cost Share extension in PeopleSoft.
See cost sharing guidance at https://rsp.wisc.edu/costsharing/.
EQFED Equipment Title with Fed Gvt: The Federal Government will retain title to equipment purchased, manufactured, or acquired as Federal surplus under this award.
Comments: EVERY sponsored project must have an equipment title term entered or the UEEQ Unallowable Exp – Equipment term entered if equipment is unallowable. Should be used if 1) the agreement is with a pass-through entity and the prime sponsor is the Federal Government, or if the agreement is directly with the Federal Government, AND 2) the Federal Government retains title to the equipment.
EQPA Equip Exp - Needs Prior Approv: The UW must obtain prior written approval from the sponsor before project funds can be used to purchase or fabricate equipment that is new, is a replacement, or is additional equipment for use under the award.
Comments: Only awards that include this term are subject to the provision. If an award is made under Research Terms and Conditions (see RTC Research Terms & Conditions), prior approval for research equipment is generally waived.
EQSPN Equipment Title with Sponsor: The Sponsor will retain title to equipment purchased, fabricated, or manufactured under this award.
Comments: EVERY sponsored project must have an equipment title term entered or the UEEQ Unallowable Exp – Equipment term entered if equipment is unallowable. Should be used when the agreement is between the UW and a non-federal sponsor directly (not a pass-through agreement) AND the non-federal sponsor retains title to the equipment.
EQUW Equipment Title with UW The UW will retain title to equipment purchased, fabricated, or manufactured under this agreement.
Comments: EVERY sponsored project must have an equipment title term entered or the UEEQ Unallowable Exp – Equipment term entered if equipment is unallowable. Should be used when the agreement specifies that title vests with the UW per 2 CFR 200.313. If the agreement does not specify out who should retain title to equipment, use Equipment Title with UW as the default.
EVRFY E-Verify requirements apply: Used for Federal contracts (or subcontracts) subject to the E-Verify requirement (FAR 52.222-54). Every employee paid under the Federal contract must be verified in a Dept. of Homeland Security database.
Comments: Verification will be processed by International Faculty and Staff Services, Office of Human Resources.
EXPAU Expanded Authorities 2 CFR 200, Subpart D permits granting agencies to waive certain "prior approval" restrictions and expand the postaward authority of grantee institutions to: (1) incur pre-award costs, (2) extend an assistance program, or (3) carry forward unobligated balances, unless specifically required by a Federal agency. This does not include carryforward between competitive segments of an award.
Comment: The terms and conditions of the award will indicate if Expanded Authorities apply.
EXTNO Time Extension Not Allowed: Time extension or additional time is not allowed.
Comments: This means that the period of performance will not be granted an extension. All work must be completed by the agreed upon end date.
FDEMO FDP Demonstration: The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) runs demonstration projects where the UW can gain additional administrative flexibility from the standard award conditions.
Comments: When the UW joins one of these pilots and receives an award that matches the pilot project’s profile, this term should be selected and an additional description of the allowable action should be entered in the comments.
FGTRP Foreign Gov't Talent Program: This award includes reporting requirements related to foreign government talent recruitment programs. The University must file reports as described in the agreement, which may include quarterly reporting to the sponsor. Requirements originate from DOE Order 486.1.
Comments: RSP staff should indicate where in the agreement the term is located, e.g., p. 10, Appendix G.
FIN Financial Restriction: The funding received has a specific purpose (e.g., travel or equipment) and is set up in a separate project/account identified for spending on this purpose only.
FNMAY Foreign National Reporting: DOE may request information on foreign nationals involved in or added to a project (faculty, staff, students, or postdocs); requests must go through the RSP Post-Award DOE manager, see RSP Staff Directory.: This award contains DOE terms and conditions that may in the future involve providing information on foreign nationals and potentially seeking approval. If DOE makes a request for such information for the purpose of approving participation of foreign nationals, RSP will need to request an exception from the Vice Chancellor for Research. All requests to involve or add a foreign national on a project (including faculty, staff, students, or postdocs) and requests from DOE for FN information must be processed through the RSP Post-Award DOE manager, see RSP Staff Directory.
Comments: An example of a foreign national restriction is contained in the Department of Energy (DOE) Order 142.3b.
FNREQ Foreign National Restriction VC/Sponsor Approval Required: All requests to involve or add a foreign national on a project (faculty, staff, students, or postdocs) must be processed through the RSP Post-Award DOE manager, see RSP Staff Directory.: This award contains DOE terms and conditions that impose restrictions on the involvement of foreign nationals on the project. Because such a term is inconsistent with UW-Madison's Policy on Open Research and Free Interchange of Information, the Vice Chancellor for Research granted an exception so that UW-Madison could accept the term. UW-Madison must obtain prior approval from DOE before a foreign national is permitted to work on a project. All requests to involve or add a foreign national on a project (including faculty, staff, students, or postdocs) must be processed through the RSP Post-Award DOE manager, see RSP Staff Directory.
Comments: An example of a foreign national restriction is contained in the Department of Energy (DOE) Order 142.3b.
FRPRP Furnished and/or Loaned Property: Property was furnished and/or loaned to the UW-Madison for use on this sponsored award. Reporting on the furnished and/or loaned property will likely be required throughout the life of the award and will be submitted by the RSP accountant. Disposition of the furnished and/or loaned property must be addressed before award closeout since the property is owned by the sponsor. At this time, tracking of furnished and/or loaned property is the responsibility of the department.
HRPRP High Risk and/or Sensitive Property: All high risk property or sensitive property, regardless of cost to the federal contract, is federally-titled. Sensitive property is defined by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) within 48 CFR Part 45 Government Property. Reporting on the high risk and/or sensitive property will likely be required throughout the life of the award and will be submitted by the RSP accountant. Disposition of the high risk and/or sensitive property must be addressed before award closeout since the property is owned by the sponsor. At this time, tracking of high risk and/or sensitive property is the responsibility of the department.
INVSP Special Invoice Instructions: The sponsor requires documentation beyond one of the UW’s standard invoice formats.
Comments: Should be used when the sponsor needs something in addition to UW’s standard invoice. This may be the sponsor’s invoice form, supporting documentation, etc. RSP Post-Award may need to obtain such detailed information from the department in order to be able to submit the invoice.
NONRF Nonrefundable: An agreement between the University and the Sponsor provides for a set price and does not require a refund of the balance upon successful project completion.
Comments: Should be used when the UW may retain an unexpended balance after successful project completion, i.e., all terms and conditions met, all work has been completed, and a final project report has been submitted. The remaining funding will be moved to a discretionary fund upon request.
OTH# Other 1,2 or 3: This is used when there is a term/condition of the award that is important, but no other code is available.
Examples: This NIH grant is excluded from the Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process (SNAP). Or, the department has purchased additional insurance coverage as part of the requirements under this award. Or, no-cost extension requests must be submitted at least thirty days prior to the end date specified in the notice of award.
PRADD Program Revenue Additive Metho: Program revenue is added to the budget - additional funds for spending.
PRDED Program Revenue Deductiv Metho: Program revenue is used to reduce funding.
PRESS Publicity: If UW initiates advertising or publicity in which a sponsor is identified by name, UW may need to obtain written permission of the sponsor prior to releasing such advertising or publicity.
Comments: If prior written approval for advertising or publicity involving the Sponsor is required, this term should be used. The PRESS/Publicity term is only applicable to advertising, publicity, promotions, or products. Note also that UW may be required to disclose the existence or terms of an agreement.
PROTH Program Revenue Other Metho: See terms & conditions for prescribed method of handling program revenue.
PSPND 90 Day Pre-Award Spend Allwd: Can incur pre-award costs 90 calendar days prior to the award start date.
PUB Publications: The UW and its employees shall have the right, at their discretion, to release information or publish any writings or materials resulting from agreements. The UW may be asked to provide copy of such publications to the sponsor prior to publication for review and comment.
Comments: Should be inserted if the sponsor requires a review and comment period of longer than 30 days. Note that the maximum delay for review/comment and filing of patent paperwork should be no more than 90 days in total.
PYTPR PaymentTiedProgRpt/Deliverable: Payment will not be made unless the technical report or deliverable is submitted.
Comments: Should be used when any payment is tied to submission of a technical report or deliverable by the PI to the sponsor. The explanation should specify the frequency of report submission.
Campus should communicate the submission of these deliverables to the appropriate RSP accountant.
Examples: Quarterly payment will be not be made until invoice and technical report are submitted to sponsor. Or, the sponsor will withhold 10% of the award until the final progress report is submitted.
RCR/A RCR-NIFA: Award is subject to the specific USDA RCR training requirements.
Comments: This term should be entered for all new USDA awards.
RCRET Record Retention: The award specifies a longer period of time than current University requirements on maintaining records.
Comments: Should be used when the retention period required by the sponsor exceeds current University requirements. As of early 2013, for federal and non-federal awards, University requirements are that non-fiscal records (awards, proposals, etc.) must be retained for fifteen years after the date of submission of the financial report or close of grant. Fiscal records (ledgers, vouchers, receipts, etc.) must be kept for seven years (current fiscal year + six years). For awards that require record retention beyond those periods, campus departments will be expected to keep those records in the period beyond the official University retention period. The actual number of years required by the sponsor should be included in the Explanation field in SFS. See the following link for more information: https://www.library.wisc.edu/archives/records-management/retention-disposition/
REFUB Refund of Unexpended Balances: For awards where pre-payment of any amount is made to the UW and any unexpended funds must be returned to the Sponsor.
Comments: Should be used when a refund is specified in the award terms or sponsor guidelines.
RTC Research Terms & Conditions: The Research Terms and Conditions are a set of standard administrative terms and conditions that can be used by research agencies on research and research-related awards that are subject to 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance). Be aware that individual agencies may impose more restrictive requirements for their own awards, as described in agency-specific requirements. An award document also may contain terms and conditions specific to an individual project.
Comments: The Research Terms and Conditions, a list of agencies that use them, and agency-specific requirements are available at: http://www.nsf.gov/awards/managing/rtc.jsp. Should be used when awards invoke this set of terms.
SNAP Streamlined Non-Competing Awd: NIH grant awards may be subject to Streamlined Non-Competing Award Process (SNAP). SNAP includes a number of provisions that modify annual progress reports, Notices of Award, and financial reports. A SNAP progress report (a streamlined version of the RPPR submitted in the eRA Commons) is due no later than 45 days before the next budget start date. RSP submits an FFR only at the end of a competitive segment rather than annually. RSP is also required to submit a quarterly FFR to PMS to report cash transaction data.
Comments: Should be used when the NIH Notice of Award explicitly states that the grant is subject to SNAP. Additional guidance can be found at: https://rsp.wisc.edu/fednih.html and section of the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
TFEQP Transfer of Equipment from Another UW-Madison Sponsored Award: This sponsored award has received equipment transferred from another UW-Madison sponsored award. Property reports will likely be required throughout the life of the award to which the equipment was transferred and until the current fair market value falls at or below $5,000. Such reports will be submitted by the RSP accountant. However, the Property Control records for the equipment under this award will not identify the transferred equipment. Because the equipment was purchased on the initial sponsored award, the Property Control records will only list the initial sponsored award, and records for new sponsored award will not reflect transferred equipment items. At this time, tracking of the transferred equipment on sponsored awards is the responsibility of the department. Please note: A transfer in accountability of equipment from one award to another award differs from a change in custody from one department to another.
Comments: Dept. of Energy (DOE) is an example of a federal sponsor that transfers equipment from one DOE project to another DOE project as a disposition option in accordance with 2 CFR 200.313 (e). For example, the first project (Award 1) ends, and a piece of equipment purchased on Award 1 has a current fair market value above $5,000. During award closeout, the PI indicates to the RSP accountant that the equipment can be used on another DOE funded project (Award 2). After the RSP accountant submits the information to DOE, DOE documents the transfer approval in the form of a modification or transfer of accountability form. Then the equipment is considered transferred by DOE from Award 1 to Award 2. As long as the current fair market value of the equipment remains above $5,000, DOE will expect property reports for Award 2 to include the equipment. However, UW-Madison Property Control records will only reflect that the equipment was purchased on Award 1; these records will not recognize that the equipment is now being used on Award 2. The department is expected to track internally, with the aid of this term, that DOE now associates this equipment with Award 2, and that the RSP Accountant will need to submit property reports that include it.
TRAVR Domestic Travel Restricted: Written pre-approval from the sponsor is required for domestic travel or other possible limits on domestic travel. See the award’s terms and conditions for specific requirements.
Comments: Include a reference to where these terms can be located in the agreement.
TRAVFR Foreign Travel Restricted: Written pre-approval from the sponsor is required for foreign travel or other possible limits on foreign travel. See the award’s terms and conditions for specific requirements.
Comments: Include a reference to where these terms can be located in the agreement.
TRNTM Termination Notice Required: This means that if the Sponsor or UW wishes to terminate the award, advance notice is required.
Comments: This term should be used when advance written notice does not comply with terms of UW’s Standard Research Agreement.
Example: Aurora Health Care requires a 30-day written notice to terminate the agreement.
UEDT Unallowable Exp DomesticTravel: This means that award funds cannot be used for any domestic travel expenses.
UEEQ Unallowable Exp - Equipment: This means that award funds cannot be used to purchase any equipment.
Comments: EVERY sponsored project must have an equipment title term entered or the UEEQ Unallowable Exp – Equipment term entered if equipment is unallowable.
UEFB Unallowable Exp - Fringe: This means that award funds cannot be used to pay fringe benefits for individuals working on the project.
Example: Research Corporation does not allow fringe to be charged to its awards; only FICA and Medicare of 7.65% for graduate/undergraduate stipends is allowed.
UEFT Unallowable Exp Foreign Travel: This means that award funds cannot be used for any foreign travel expenses.
Example: American Heart Association does not allow travel to scientific meetings abroad.
UEOTH Unallowable Exp - Other: This means that award funds cannot be used for other specific items not otherwise listed as an option.
Comments: On Federal awards, 2 CFR 200, Subpart E is the standard for allowable expenses on awards. If other specific categories or items are unallowable, they should be listed here.
Examples: American Heart Association does not allow personnel recruitment, payments for visas, books, or construction of buildings to be charged to their awards.
American Cancer Society does not allow tuition, secretarial or administrative salaries, membership fees, or office and laboratory furniture to be charged to their awards.
UETUR Unallowable Expd - Tuition Rem: This means that award funds cannot be used for Tuition Remission.
Example: American Heart Association does not allow tuition costs on awards.
ARRA ARRA - Recovery Stimulus: Award funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Comment: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms.
ARRAB ARRA Buy US Construction Mat'l: Section 1605 of the Recovery Act requires only US materials for construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair for public works or buildings.
Comment: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms.
ARRAC ARRA Carry-over Provisions: ARRA funds cannot be carried over to non-ARRA funding segments. ARRA & non-ARRA funding cannot be mixed.
Comment: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms.
ARRAF ARRA Fin'l Reports: Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires reporting on ARRA funding expended or obligated.
Comments: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms. RSP coordinated the submission of financial reports.
ARRAJ ARRA Job Reports: Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires reporting on estimated jobs created or retained.
Comments: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms. RSP coordinated the submission of jobs reports.
ARRAP ARRA Progress Reports: Section 1512 of the Recovery Act requires reporting on ARRA-funded projects and activities.
Comments: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms. Principal investigators are responsible for progress report submission.
ARRAW ARRA Pay Prevailing Wages: Section 1606 requires prevailing wages to be paid for ARRA funding.
Comment: Use of this term has been discontinued. It was used with every ARRA funded award, along with any other applicable sponsor terms.
FDP Federal Demonstr Partnership: The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) is a cooperative initiative among federal agencies and institutional recipients of federal funds. It was established to increase research productivity by streamlining the administrative process and minimizing the administrative burden on principal investigators while maintaining effective stewardship of federal funds.
Comments: This term was discontinued in 2018. More information about the Federal Demonstration Partnership is available at http://thefdp.org.
RCRET Record Retention: The award specifies an excessive period of time during which records are required to be maintained.
Comments: Should be used when the retention period required by the sponsor exceeds State requirements. For federal awards, State requirements are that non-fiscal records (awards, proposals, etc.) must be retained for three years after the date of submission of the financial report or close of grant. Fiscal records (ledgers, vouchers, etc.) must be kept for seven years (current fiscal year + six years). For non-federal awards, State requirements are all fiscal and non-fiscal records must be maintained for seven years after the close of grant. See the following link for more information: https://www.library.wisc.edu/archives/records-management/retention-disposition/
This version was discontinued in September 2018, when new language describing the term was implemented.
UG UnifrGuid: This award is subject to the Uniform Guidance.
Comments: This term was created in 2014 to indicate that an award or a funding increment was subject to the Uniform Guidance. The use of the term was discontinued in 2018 because all new assistance awards are made under the Uniform Guidance.